Jan 25, 2013

People in Motion!

Dancer Series, Charles Searles 1975
     In this lesson, we discuss showing movement and action in artwork.
     The first day, we look at the artwork by Charles Searles. We discuss if they are moving or standing still-the students ALWAYS say moving. Then, we talk about how we know that from looking at a still picture....pattern, rhythm, diagonal lines, etc. Then, of course, we all stand up and practice our poses, some showing movement and some stagnant. I show them how to draw a human using simple shapes and we pick some of the best poses and practice drawing them, first together, then on their own.

      One the second day, we pick their best sketch from the day before and redraw it onto a piece of tag board or manilla file folder. These figures are then cut out.
      Over the next few days, we trace these manilla templates (flipping as we go) to create people in motion-dancers, ninja, skaters, etc. Students were challenged to alternate boy and girl and add LOTS of details.

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