Jan 25, 2013

People in Motion!

Dancer Series, Charles Searles 1975
     In this lesson, we discuss showing movement and action in artwork.
     The first day, we look at the artwork by Charles Searles. We discuss if they are moving or standing still-the students ALWAYS say moving. Then, we talk about how we know that from looking at a still picture....pattern, rhythm, diagonal lines, etc. Then, of course, we all stand up and practice our poses, some showing movement and some stagnant. I show them how to draw a human using simple shapes and we pick some of the best poses and practice drawing them, first together, then on their own.

      One the second day, we pick their best sketch from the day before and redraw it onto a piece of tag board or manilla file folder. These figures are then cut out.
      Over the next few days, we trace these manilla templates (flipping as we go) to create people in motion-dancers, ninja, skaters, etc. Students were challenged to alternate boy and girl and add LOTS of details.

Jan 18, 2013

Winter Art

These are a preview to winter ideas I am doing or have done (student and teacher examples). I will add full posts soon!

Jan 15, 2013


I am updating my page!

I am trying to make things more helpful by linking the actual documents I use in my lessons. I will be trying to include a lesson plan, the wall information, parent note, and other resources I might have like PowerPoints, Smart Notebooks, and worksheets. So here's the deal:

Lesson Plans- My format has morphed over the years though they generally have the same information (with the possible trending district policy apparent in some).

Wall Information/Display- I print this off and display it above the artwork so administration, teachers, students and any visitors can not only see the cool stuff we are making, but also read that we are LEARNING techniques, concepts, vocabulary, etc. I get so much good feedback from this and the classroom teachers love to know what we're learning in art.

Parent Note- I print, copy, cut, and then glue these onto the back of the artwork. Like the Wall Info. I want people to know what we are learning about. With 500 students, this is a great communication tool with parents. These little summaries also helps bypass those times we ask our kids what they are learning about in a class and they can't tell you.

Oct 19, 2012

Patterned Cats ala Laurel Burch

Get the Lesson
Get the Wall Info.
Get the Parent Note

     I have done this lesson a few different ways. These were done with 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students (some Montessori mixed-age classes).
     On the first day, we learned about the artist Laurel Burch and students get a sketch paper to practice drawing cats in different positions (I don't give much guidance this day on how to draw cats). On the second day, I teach students how to draw a seated cat step-by-step in the style of Laurel Burch.
     After the cats are drawn, student get to fill the cat in with pattern! We discuss color as they begin painting their cats and they paint the cat in a warm or cool color and then do the opposite for the background (warm cat, cool background or cool cat, warm background).

Sea Turtle Unit

Get the Wall Info.
Get the Parent Note
Sea Turtle Vocabulary Worksheet
Slide Show of Turtle Images

     In this unit, 2nd graders learn all about sea turtles. Students learn to draw sea turtles, we color them with oil pastels and finish with water color and a sprinkle of salt. We talk about how simple shapes can be put together to make more complex ones, like turtles. We also talk about cool colors as we paint in the water around them  because they mix blue and purple or blue and green together (the picture below doesn't show this).

     Then, students get to make a 3-D version with  these clay turtles.They start by making a pinch pot. Then, they pinch out the head, flippers, and tail.We discuss color mixing, tints, and shades as we mix a variety of greens to paint on our turtles.

      We read tons of books and look at videos online throughout this unit. Some of my favorites are:

Carolina's Story: Sea Turtles Get Sick Too!
Follow the Moon
Turtles Tide: the Ways of Sea Turtles

I also Googled a bunch of sea turtle photos and put them into a looping PowerPoint  that students can look at while they work.

Oct 15, 2012

Funky Lizards

     In this lesson, I focused on teaching the types of shape (organic/freeform and geometric) and color (warm and cool). Students started with 2 pieces of paper: 1 one for warm colors and freeform shapes and is the background crayon resist of leaves; the other paper is print with geometric shapes in cool colors for the lizards body
These examples are done by 2nd graders:

Oct 11, 2012

Crazy Hair Day Portraits

     This is a fun lesson to review line and teach portraits. It can be done with any age, but these are done by 2nd graders.
     These are self portraits of our worst hairday!